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Hotline/Crisis Services
Hotline number is available 24 hours a day in English & Spanish
1-844-789-SAFE (7233)
or Text SAFE BERKS to 20121
Safe Berks can help you obtain:
- Emergency shelter from an abusive situation
- Counseling, one-on-one for both adults and children
- Information and legal support
- More information about domestic and sexual violence
- Safety planning
For survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault who are seeking our free crisis services, we ask you to call our 24-hour hotline at 844-789-SAFE (7233) or text SAFE BERKS to 20121. Crisis services, including requests for shelter or medical advocacy, flow through the hotline and text line. We provide free, confidential services to local survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault 24 hours each day, 365 days a year. Anyone in immediate danger should call 911.
For Legal questions and concerns, please call 610-373-1206, ext. 107, and leave a message. Messages will be checked frequently by our Legal Advocates, who will call clients back.
For requests for Counseling, or questions specific to Counseling, call 610-373-1206, ext 606, and leave a message. Messages will be checked frequently by our Counselors, who will call clients back.
Safe Berks staff works closely with all local hospitals and healthcare centers to provide medical advocacy and support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For questions about medical advocacy, email MeghanB@SafeBerks.org.