Click Here to Donate to Safe Berks
Click Here to Donate to the Annual Appeal
Click Here to Become an Annual Sponsor
Click Here to Become a New Member of PeaceTrust.
Click Here to make a Payment on an existing PeaceTrust Pledge.
Please support survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault by donating to Safe Berks!
Most donations are tax deductible.
Your generous gifts enable us to provide a safe haven and ongoing support system for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Our advocacy and education programs increase awareness and promote the prevention of domestic violence, sexual assault, and all forms of oppression.
Your gift allows us to provide services to thousands of local individuals each year, including hundreds of children. Your gift provides a safe haven, counseling, legal services, and hope for a new beginning.
There are many ways to give to Safe Berks
Make an online donation at the top of this page.
Mail us a check in any amount, written to Safe Berks. Mail check to:
Safe Berks
255 Chestnut St.
Reading, PA 19602
Learn more about Planned Giving.
Contact Mindy McIntosh, Director of Development, at MindyM@SafeBerks.org or 610-468-9637 to schedule a meeting to discuss our needs and how you would like to help. We have many programs that would benefit from your gift, such as our Safe House, maintenance of our Building, Legal Services, Counseling, Community Outreach & Response (COR), Medical Advocacy, and Education aimed at preventing violence. In addition, unrestricted gifts are always appreciated.
Donate goods or in-kind services.
Safe Berks is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The official registration and financial information of Safe Berks may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State’s website at www.charities.pa.gov.